Tuesday 30 October 2012

Shot List

Extreme long shot of London city at night
Panning along
Extreme close up of wheel of motor bike
Tracking the wheel while it moves
Close up of wheel of motor bike

Medium close up of main character on the bike

Close up of main characters face with cigarette in mouth

Close up of character stopping bike and putting foot down

Close up of main character
Camera tilting up from feet
Close up of main characters face

Medium close up of main characters foot putting out cigarette

Mid shot of main character walking along
See the back of the character
Medium shot of main character looking at Big Ben
Shot from side
Extreme close up of main characters eyes

Mid shot of main character walking
Character facing camera
Long shot of bar in pub to get a full look
Camera panning along
Long shot of band playing

Mid shot of ‘bad cowboy’ character

Extreme close up of ‘bad cowboys’ face

Mid shot of ‘bad cowboy’ and girlfriend

Mid shot of ‘bad cowboy’ grabbing girlfriends arm

Close up of girlfriends face

Close up of’ bad cowboys’ face

Long shot of main character (good cowboy) walking into the pub
Camera being the character to see walking in
Midshot of main character walking into the pub
Camera facing the main character
Close up of main characters face

Long shot of everyone looking around at main character
Close up of girlfriends face

Close up of main characters face
Shot from side
Mid shot of girlfriend serving main character

Close up of pouring drink

Mid shot of cup being put on the bar

Close up of drink being slid to main character
Mid shot  of main character catching the drink

Close up of main charter picking up drink

Close up of main character drinking

Wide shot of band playing in pub

Medium close up of singer

Mid shot of band playing

Extreme close up of singer

Close up of guitar being played

Extreme close up of guitar being played
Shot from an angle
Close up of drummer playing

Close up of guitarist playing

Mid shot of band performing

Mid shot of main character, bad cowboy and girlfriend at bar

Mid shot of main character
At a side angle
Mid shot of bad cowboy
At a side angle
Mid shot of bad cowboy grabbing main character
Camera at an side angle
Mid shot of main character pulling away
Side angle
Mid shot of girlfriend breaking the fight up

Close up of girlfriend opening pub door kicking both characters out

Close up of character walking outside
Over shoulder shot
Close up  of characters back to back

Medium of bad cowboy walking off
From a side angle
Medium close up of main cowboy walking off

Mid shot of bad cowboy tuning around

Mid shot of main character tuning around

Extreme close up of bad cowboy preparing to pull out ‘weapon’
Point of view shot from side of body
Extreme close up of main character  preparing to pull out ‘weapon’
Point of view shot from side of body
Close up of main charters face

Close up of bad cowboy face

Long shot of both characters drawing out the ‘weapons’

Extreme close up of main characters ‘weapon’

Extreme close up of bad cowboys ‘weapon’

Long shot of ‘attack’ from main character

Close up of bad cowboy falling

Midshot of band playing

Close up of guitarist playing

Close up of drummer playing

Close up of guitarist #2

Extreme close up of guitar being played

Extreme close up of drums

Close up of singer

Close up of guitarist solo

Close up of guitarist #2 solo

Close up of drummer hitting the drums on the beat

Mid shot of band

Close up of band member #1 face
Looking into camera
Close up of band member #2 face
Looking into camera
Close up of band member #3 face
Looking into camera
Close up of band member #4 face
Looking into camera
close up of drummer hitting on the beat

Long shot of main character walking alone

Long shot of girlfriend joining main character

Long shot of band member #1 joining walking along

Long shot of band member #2 joining walking along

Long shot of band member #3 joining walking along

Long shot of band member #4 joining walking along

Extreme close up of Big Ben changing in time

Long shot of group all in cowboy clothes

Mid shot off group tilting cowboy hats down

Long shot of the sunset

1 comment:

  1. L2 - incomplete/basic
    This is not a shot list - this is a written out storyboard. It ought ti be your shot numbered from your storyboard and grouped as per shooting order - look at the template but you ought to know this by A2
